GoogHelper for Windows Mobile Smartphone is a stand-alone utility application that can be mapped to any external buttons on the smartphone, or added as in icon to the Today screen utilities to quickly launch various Internet searches using mobile friendly sites such as Google, Yahoo!Finance, Amazon, Wikipedia and much more, just just a single tap or single press. GoogHelper enhances search productivity with features such as ability to search the Web, Images, Gmail, Shop, News, Stocks, Maps, Groups, Software, Mobile, Books, and Wikipedia, with search results opened and displayed on default web browser i.e. Pocket IE. GoogHelper also can launch the web browser without doing a search with users simply tap the appropriate category button while leaving the search field blank.


Just Another Mobile Monday (dead link) reviews GoogHelper for Windows Mobile Smartphone and gives the application the NoWire recommended application award with comment saying that “it’s a very useful utility that does what it claims to do. Its no nonsense approach to making searches more efficient and productive is top rated. I highly recommend this little utility to anyone with a Smartphone. For less than a BigMac, this program won’t even clog your arteries!”