All iOS apps for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Apple Watch, Apple TV, MacOS or other iDevices has a unique bundle ID or bundle identifier, which is always different from all other apps.

If you have the IPA file of the app, so named as it’s ended with .ipa file extension, and you want to know the bundle identifier of the app, just follow the steps below to know the bundle ID of the app.

  1. Extract and unpack the content of the .IPA file using tool such as Archive Utility in Mac OS X (in MAc OS, right click on the .ipa file and select “Open With”, then “Archive Utility”.
  2. In the extracted folder, there is a folder named “Payload”, which contains only a single item. Right click on the only package available, and select Show Package Contents.

    Show Package Contents

  3. Open the Info.plist file with XCode or TextEdit (in MacOS).
  4. Locate the key named Bundle identifier. The string value is the bundle ID of the app.