Paginate & Split WordPress Post or Page with NextPage in WordPress Not Working
It's possible to using <--nextpage--> WordPress Quicktags to paginate a blog post in WordPress post or page so [...]
It's possible to using <--nextpage--> WordPress Quicktags to paginate a blog post in WordPress post or page so [...]
After installing and upgrading to WordPress 2.3.1 or later version, bloggers and webmasters likely to see the following [...]
Blogroll in WordPress displays a list of blogger's favorite blogs in the sidebar of their blog. Blogroll provides [...]
vBulletin community forums set the default total maximum allowed private messages number to be stored on server for [...]
Technorati Incoming Links Plugin enables Incoming Links feature in WordPress Administration Dashboard to retrieve and feed the results [...]
In WordPress 2.3 Dashboard, the Incoming Links stats under the Latest Activity section has switched from Technorati to [...]
WordPress 2.3 has added a new feature which automatically check if any update is available for the plugins [...]
The new Blogger widget based template that built on XML specification has a feature to add Google AdSense [...], a popular free blog publishing service from Google, has a extremely easy to use and convenient template [...]
For blogger who self-hosts the WordPress blog publishing system on a web hosting server with own registered domain [...]