Seasonality from Gaucho Software is a weather monitoring application that displays current weather conditions, weather forecasts for the next 7 days, radar and satellite images for cloud cover and current precipitation viewing, sunrise times, sunset times, length of day, conditions graphs which Graph previous temperatures, wind speed, wind direction, and air pressure, and weather history comparison or long term graph viewing for the past year. for multiple cities from a single window. Seasonality also supports keep tracking and viewing of weather conditions of multiple cities from around 34,000 cities around the globe. Best of all, Seasonality works on both PowerPC and Intel Macs with Universal Binary.
The Mac Observer reviews Seasonality 1.3.2 and concludes that Seasonality 1.3.2 is a versatile but easy to use weather monitoring and tracking application. It packs tons of information into a relatively small space and gives you the ability to hide data you aren’t interested in. Unfortunately, viewing some information for international cities requires using a beta version of the application.