Disable WP.me Shortlinks for WordPress Jetpack
By default, WordPress adds a shortlink relation (rel-shortlink) to the web page HTML's head section in the following [...]
By default, WordPress adds a shortlink relation (rel-shortlink) to the web page HTML's head section in the following [...]
W3 Total Cache (W3TC) is one of the most popular web performance optimization and caching plugin for WordPress. [...]
When no robots.txt file is added to the root of the WordPress website, WordPress will dynamically creates a [...]
Occasionally there may be a need to add, edit, modify or remove the HTTP response headers sent in [...]
qTranslate-X is the plugin that succeeds popular qTranslate multilingual plugin for WordPress which was abandoned by its author. [...]
One of the functions of CloudFlare is to act as CDN (Content Delivery Network) that automatically caches selected [...]
After activating Jetpack for WordPress plugin, a line of HTML code is added to every web pages of [...]
MainWP is a free, self-hosted and open source management plugin for managing multiple WordPress sites from one location. [...]
After upgrading to Jetpack version 5.0, one of the following error messages may appear when attempting to change [...]
When using Divi responsive theme for WordPress, Divi automatically presents mobile menu to visitors when the media screen [...]